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International umbrella company
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Simulate your take home pay
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Your contact details
Your lastname
Your firstname
Your job title
Your phone number
Your e-mail address
Your address
Your country
Your city
Postal code
More address information
Monthly billing amount
Monthly billing amount
Mission details
The country in which the mission will be carried out
The duration of the mission and the work schedule
Full time
Part time
I don't know
The country of invoicing of the client entity
Fill "I don't know" if the information is still unknown
Select the level of social security coverage
GMCI Package = Private international coverage: Healthcare Hospitalisation from 1st €1 - Disability insurance - invalidity and death - Medical repatriation
CFE Vieillesse = CNAV basic pension contribution for expatriates or employees of a foreign company
Supplementary pension = HUMANIS equivalent to the AGIRC-ARCO scheme for expatriates.
Unemployment: Pôle emploi Expatriés is the special scheme for expatriates with a minimum of 18 months contribution to be eligible.
GMCI Health Pack - Repatriation - I&D Benefits
GMCI package + Unemployment Expat Fr
GMCI package + CFE pension
GMCI package + CFE pension + Unemployment Expat Fr
I hereby agree that Sage SA may use such information to estimate my take-home pay.